Accountability Software for Smartphones and Laptops

What’s the best internet filtering software?

In 2005 along with a few friends, I made a major decision that changed the trajectory of my addiction to internet pornography. I installed Covenant Eyes monitoring software . With one software addition the anonymity I felt on the internet was gone. Now a few friends were receiving a weekly report about what I was viewing online.

This was really helpful, but did it solve my actual problem? No! A good analogy would be if someone smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, and then you took them away and even closed the store where they bought them, would they still be a smoker? Well yes, but you’ve now made it more difficult for them to continue the habit.

This was true of me with the addition of covenant eyes. While the main source of my porn addiction, my computer, was not really an option, I found myself searching elsewhere for the content. I would flip through the cable channels or maybe try to find someone online that Covenant Eyes couldn’t filter. What was being revealed was that even with the external temptations much lower, my heart was still crying out for the medication of pornography.

Covenant Eyes does not heal your heart! It is as helpful as you allow it to be. The idea of software like Covenant Eyes is to either prevent you from becoming addicted to toxic pornographic content in the first place, or to give you the space you need to pursue healing from porn addiction. An ingrained porn habit will require a detox period of 6-9 months where you have full freedom from acting out sexually. This can be incredibly difficult and Covenant Eyes can provide some accountability through the process.

Many who get covenant eyes simply pursue ways around it. With the fast pace of technological change in our day software companies like Covenant Eyes are always playing catch up. It is a tool that can aid in your recovery process, but it’s not intended to heal the heart. Alone with Covenant Eyes you will want to find a small group that you can meet with weekly, and during the detox period you may need someone you can talk with daily.

Covenant Eyes was extremely helpful in my recovery journey and I still use it today. We have it on the devices that our kids use. It’s not perfect and it’s worth checking in each time you get a new device or your devices software updates to see if there are any changes that need to be made with Covenant Eyes. It works with both android and apple devices, but you’ll want to read the instructions for each when you install it.

Click here to try Covenant Eyes for free for 30 days and see if it’s right for you or your family.


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